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UN Global Compact Russia


International Sustainable Development Values to Russian Regions


That was an objective determined for partner activities under the framework of a Cooperation Agreement signed by the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Association ‘National Global Compact Network’.

A joint meeting, which took place on April 17, 2017 in RF CCI, was devoted to discussion of background and perspectives of the Agreement implementation, acknowledging the tasks of the Association and the Task Force on new quality of life and regional sustainable development (led by O. N. Shtemberg), forming part of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology.

The meeting was attended, both personally and in an online-regime, by the representatives of the UN in Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development, business, non-governmental organizations, as well as the representatives of Russian regions, the Civic Chamber, international experts, and territorial chambers of commerce and industry from 40 Russian regions.

During the meeting there were reviewed and analyzed such issues as long-term sustainability projects relevance, current concepts of getting Russian regions involved into international initiatives on sustainable development, UN Global Compact opportunities for Russian business for the benefit of regional sustainable development and new quality of life. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia also presented their positions regarding the UN Global Compact activities in Russia. In addition, the participants discussed the matters of the Baikal natural territory sustainable development for the benefit of future generations using the opportunities of the UN Global Compact in and got familiarized with best practices and projects of such Russian Global Compact participants as Philipp Morris Int., Norilsk Nickel, Russian Carbon in the field of ecological and social business responsibility.

The meeting participants confirmed the importance and necessity of an extensive involvement of Russian regions in global sustainability processes considering particular features of both global and internal socio-economic situations, at the same time base on understanding of place and role of Russian business community while forming the global agenda.

The UN Global Compact was admitted to be one of the most efficient ways to achieve these objectives. It is a universal initiative for business and it brings together resources of many other international programmes (such as 2030 SDG, Paris Climate agreement, international initiatives on responsible investment and finance (PRI, UNEP FI), Global Reporting Initiative (GR), UN agencies (UNEP,  OHCHR), etc.

The joint regional programme of the Association ‘National Global Compact Network’ and the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation was presented at the meeting. Its objective is to insert the topic and values of the UN Global Compact into regional agenda that will facilitate the development ecological and social responsibility of regional business, raising investment attractiveness and quality of life in the regions, their social and economic development. It will also   broaden opportunities of the regions presence in all-Russian and international platforms, and will ensure more efficient cooperation of business, state and society in order to achieve sustainable development in the regions.

Following the results of the meeting the joint resolution, shared to the stakeholders and to the Russian regions, has been formed. 

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