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UN Global Compact Russia

Portfolio of programs and projects

Key activities

                   Support to establishment of Business and Human Rights community of practices 


                Contribute to the development of corporate practices and the formation of a national roadmap for the integration of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Russia

      Women's empowerment in business


          Triune dialogue: business, state, society - joining efforts at the national and corporate levels to promote the SDG5 Agenda

           Corporate responsibility in relations with indigenous minorities


  Triune dialogue: business, state, society - joining efforts at the national and corporate levels to ensure the sustainable development of indigenous peoples


  Sustainable development of regions and cities


      Combining efforts at the national and corporate levels to promote the 2030 Agenda in the regions and the sustainable development of cities and towns

        Environmental and climate Agenda for sustainable development


  Contribute to the formation of integrated corporate approaches to solve environmental problems and address climate changes, create new opportunities for implementation of the UN Global Compact Agenda

        Supply chains sustainability


  Contribute to the improvement of procedures and practices to ensure responsible ESG-based approaches in supply chains
            The energy Agenda for sustainable development


  Ensuring a just and equitable energy transition, ensuring climate progress and creating opportunities for sustainable development

      Educational programme for children on the Agenda 2030


      Raising awareness and engaging of children in the Sustainable Development Agenda



Sustainable Development Report 2024

In June 2024, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SGSN) published the Sustainable Development Report (SDR).

Published annually since 2016, the SDR global edition includes the SDG Index and dashboards with a rating of the performance of all UN member states in achieving the SDGs. In addition to the SDG Index, this year's edition includes a new Index - countries' support for multilateral activities based on the United Nations, covering all 193 UN member states, and new FABLE paths demonstrating how to achieve sustainability of food and agricultural systems by the middle of the century. The report assesses the progress of 193 States. 100 points means that all the SDGs have been achieved.

This year, Finland (86.35), Sweden (85.70) and Denmark (85) became the leaders of the rating. Russia ranked 56th out of 167 in the SDG achievement ranking with a score of 73.10 points.

Additional information at the link

The Sustainable Sevelopment Goals Report

In June 2024, the UN published the annual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report, prepared by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with more than 50 international and regional agencies, based on data provided from more than 200 countries.

The SDG 2024 report focuses on current challenges in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, positive and negative experiences in achieving the SDGs, and also highlights the need to accelerate action in key areas such as combating climate change, achieving peace and security, and eradicating inequality. According to the report, the actions taken to achieve the SDGs are insufficient, and without significant investments and actions, the goals may not be achieved by 2030.

Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, as well as Li Junhua, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the Statistics Division, UN DESA and Jung Min, Head of the SDG Monitoring Section of the Statistics Division, UN DESA presented the report at a press conference.

An expanded report on each SDG was also published.

Previous reports can be found at the link

International Mayors Forum

The International Mayors Forum 2024 will happen in Jakarta, Indonesia from 2nd to 4th July, 2024.

The Forum is organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) through the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD), under the Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG), in collaboration with the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), Special Capital Region of Jakarta, and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Asia-Pacific.

Emphasizing the importance of localizing the SDGs, particularly in least-developed and lower-middle-income countries facing rapid urbanization, the forum addresses the challenges posed by accelerated urbanization. These challenges include the necessity for sustained investments in urban infrastructure and services such as housing, education, healthcare, employment, and environmental sustainability, with a focus on the most vulnerable populations.

The forum will concentrate on accelerating action at the local level through six key transformative entry points, identified as investment pathways to achieve the SDGs, as highlighted during the 2023 SDG Summit. These entry points encompass food systems, energy access and affordability, digital connectivity, education, employment, social protection, climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

Mayors and officials from subnational government entities, as well as key ministerial representatives from developed and developing countries, – including least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing states and middle-income countries. Representatives of UN entities, Local 2030 Coalition and regional hubs, international experts and other stakeholders will also be invited to attend the Forum.

Concept note


The UN Global Compact continues the series of webinars TrendsWatch

On June 20, the second webinar will be held on the topic: "Supplying the Future: How can businesses build sustainable supply chains?" with various experts.

The UNGC has prepared two webinar sessions so that you can choose a time convenient for you.

Registration link 09:00 AM (BEIJING) - 4:00 AM (MOSCOW time)

Registration link 10:00 AM (NEW YORK) - 17:00 (MOSCOW time)

During registration, there is an opportunity to ask a question about the topic of the webinar, which experts will answer during the broadcast.

The language of the webinar is English

More detailed information is available on the website

Materials of the last webinar on April 25 on the topic: "How will GenAI change sustainable business" by link

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