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UN Global Compact Russia

Sustainable Development Report 2024

In June 2024, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SGSN) published the Sustainable Development Report (SDR).

Published annually since 2016, the SDR global edition includes the SDG Index and dashboards with a rating of the performance of all UN member states in achieving the SDGs. In addition to the SDG Index, this year's edition includes a new Index - countries' support for multilateral activities based on the United Nations, covering all 193 UN member states, and new FABLE paths demonstrating how to achieve sustainability of food and agricultural systems by the middle of the century. The report assesses the progress of 193 States. 100 points means that all the SDGs have been achieved.

This year, Finland (86.35), Sweden (85.70) and Denmark (85) became the leaders of the rating. Russia ranked 56th out of 167 in the SDG achievement ranking with a score of 73.10 points.

Additional information at the link

The Sustainable Sevelopment Goals Report

In June 2024, the UN published the annual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report, prepared by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in collaboration with more than 50 international and regional agencies, based on data provided from more than 200 countries.

The SDG 2024 report focuses on current challenges in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, positive and negative experiences in achieving the SDGs, and also highlights the need to accelerate action in key areas such as combating climate change, achieving peace and security, and eradicating inequality. According to the report, the actions taken to achieve the SDGs are insufficient, and without significant investments and actions, the goals may not be achieved by 2030.

Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, as well as Li Junhua, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the Statistics Division, UN DESA and Jung Min, Head of the SDG Monitoring Section of the Statistics Division, UN DESA presented the report at a press conference.

An expanded report on each SDG was also published.

Previous reports can be found at the link


The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP29

In Solidarity for a Green World

Benefits of participation
By joining the UN Global Compact Russia, you merge into a sustainable development leadership community.


Sustainable Development Report 2024

The Sustainable Sevelopment Goals Report

International Mayors Forum


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The UN Global Compact continues the series of webinars TrendsWatch

On June 20, the second webinar will be held on the topic: "Supplying the Future: How can businesses build sustainable supply chains?" with various experts.

The UNGC has prepared two webinar sessions so that you can choose a time convenient for you.

Registration link 09:00 AM (BEIJING) - 4:00 AM (MOSCOW time)

Registration link 10:00 AM (NEW YORK) - 17:00 (MOSCOW time)

During registration, there is an opportunity to ask a question about the topic of the webinar, which experts will answer during the broadcast.

The language of the webinar is English

More detailed information is available on the website

Materials of the last webinar on April 25 on the topic: "How will GenAI change sustainable business" by link

Desertification and Drought Day

The theme chosen for this year's Desertification and Drought Day — “United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future.”

The United Nations seeks to draw attention to the sound management of land resources, which are the most valuable source of stability and prosperity for billions of people around the world.

Desrtification and Drought Day was established at the 49th session of the UN General Assembly and has been celebrated annually on June 17 since 1995. The date of the day was chosen to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention to Combat Desertification.

Arid ecosystems, covering more than a third of the Earth's land area, are extremely vulnerable to overexploitation and irrational use of land resources. Desertification is the degradation of land in arid, semi—arid and dry subhumid areas as a result of human activities and the effects of climate change. The problem of desertification affects the poorest segments of the world's population. All the daily decisions we make about what to buy, eat, drink, wear and how to travel have an impact on land resources.

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. The 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification will be held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, from December 2 to December 13, 2024.
The event on the occasion of the Desertification an will be organized by the Government of Germany. To register for the event, you must send an email to .

Message from the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres at the link.

Message from the Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, Ibrahim Tiau, at the link.

The program of the event is available at the link.

Special project

Local Solutions to Global Problems

The Youth Contest. Grand Prix - educational program in Switzerland

The IX Sustainable Development Week

The IX Sustainable Development Week will be held in Moscow from June 17 to July 07

The event is supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the UN Global Compact Network in Russia. Rostelecom, Rosatom and SUEK are the partners of the Week in 2024, and Sakhalin Energy is the partner of the events.

The main theme of the event will be "Strategies and practices of advanced development". The events of the Sustainable Development Week program are focused on topics relevant to the corporate sector, small and medium-sized businesses, aspects of regional development and ensuring technological sovereignty in the context of sustainable development.

The Week's events focus on various aspects of the formation and implementation of economic, environmental and social strategies in sustainable development approaches. Special attention will be paid to management practices, tools and technologies.

The first part of the Week (June 17-18) will touch upon the development of social practices of the media industry, IT and digital companies, promising areas of cultural projects in the regions.

The second part of the Week (June 24-26) includes events on advanced development strategies and technologies, regional practices, interaction with small and medium-sized businesses, human resources development and eco-education. Participants will have the opportunity to visit enterprises developing the best available technologies, as well as "green" offices.

The third part of the Week will be held at the venues of the Russia exhibition and forum, the Lomonosov cluster and will include topics on the development of creative industries, approaches to cyclical economics and sustainable fashion, and the production of eco-products in the regions of Russia.

Online Information Meeting on the UN Global Compact Accelerators

On June 10, 2024, an online information meeting dedicated to the Accelerators of the UN Global Compact 2024-2025 was held on the site of the National Network of the UN Global Compact.

The Executive Directorate of the UN GC Network Russia spoke about the content and benefits of participation in Accelerators, as well as their value for corporate practice.

In 2024, all UN Global Compact Accelerators are available for participants of the UN Global Compact Network Russia:

Business&Human rights Accelerator
Round II

The Business & Human Rights Accelerator is a six-month programme activating companies participating in the UN Global Compact across industries and regions. The objective is to help businesses swiftly move from commitment to action on human rights and labour rights through establishing an ongoing human rights due diligence process.

Through identifying salient human rights impacts, establishing an ongoing due diligence process and developing an actionable plan, the Business & Human Rights Accelerator will empower your company to advance its human rights journey

Application deadline: April 30, 2024.
Study period: May – October 2024. The format of training: national (Russian) and global (English) tracks.

Target Gender Equality Accelerator

Target Gender Equality Accelerator is a nine-month programme offered to companies participating in the United Nations Global Compact, who are looking to set and reach ambitious corporate targets for women’s representation, equal pay and leadership in business.

Through facilitated performance analysis, capacity building workshops, peer-to-peer learning and multi-stakeholder dialogue at country, regional and global levels, companies participating in Target Gender Equality Accelerator have the opportunity to deepen implementation of the Women’s Empowerment Principles and to strengthen their contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Led by the UN Global Compact, this programme aims to support businesses in taking meaningful action towards SDG 5.5, which calls for equal women's representation, participation and leadership in business globally, and SDG 8.5, which aims to achieve equal pay for work of equal value by 2030. Companies will be equipped with the latest data and research supporting the business case for gender equality, gain insights from UN partners and experts on how to accelerate progress on gender equality and develop an action plan for putting their learnings into practice.

Application Deadline: May 31, 2024.
Study period: June 2024 – March 2025
Continuation of training within the framework of the 4th Round: until June 2024 (modules 3-6).
The format of training: national (Russian) and global (English) tracks.

Climate Ambition Accelerator

The program aims to promote progress in setting science-based emission reduction targets corresponding to the path to 1.5°C and achieving zero emissions by 2050, expanding measures to combat climate change and forming realistic strategies among companies of various industries, scales of activity and regions of presence. The Accelerator aims, through local (national) Global Compact networks around the world, to provide companies participating in the Global Compact with access to world best practices, mutual learning opportunities, practical exercises to build capacity and expand the scale of credible cooperation to combat climate change.

The accelerator promotes the Climate Action initiative .
Application Deadline: April 30, 2024.
Training period: May – November 2024.
Training format: global track, language – English.

SDG Ambition Accelerator

The program aims to stimulate and support companies participating in the UN Global Compact to set ambitious and realistic corporate goals and accelerate the integration of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into operational activities throughout the value chain and supply chains to increase business value, enhance sustainability and ensure long-term growth. SDG Ambition aims to assist in the development and implementation of innovative business strategies. Accelerator participants will evaluate current performance, identify risk areas, analyze new opportunities for business units and corporate functions on the Sustainable Development Agenda, and formulate plans to achieve the SDGs.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024.

Training period: 3 months; information on dates will be available later.
The format of the training is national (Russian) and global (English) tracks.

SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals

The SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals is a unique opportunity offered to companies participating in the UN Global Compact for the Promotion of Young Talents and the organization of their cooperation at the national and international levels to promote business innovation within the framework of the Sustainable Development Agenda. The program is designed to activate the potential of future business leaders and change changers. The focus is on the development and implementation of innovative solutions through advanced technologies, initiatives and business models that contribute to the achievement of the company's sustainable development goals. The tracks of the program focus on the “learning by doing” approach, which focuses on practical, action-oriented experiences to solve real-world problems.

Registration: October 30, 2024 – January 31, 2025.
Training period: 9 months; information on dates will be available later.
The format of training: national (Russian) and global (English) tracks. 



Elena Feoktistova

Deputy Chair of the Steering Committee. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Managing Director, Corporate Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Social Entrepreneurship

Natalia Dorpeko

Executive director of the Association "National Network of the Global Compact"

Irina Bakhtina

Independent director

Sasha Boldyreva

Executive Director at Russian Donors Forum

Butmanov Anton

Sustainability Directorate of En + Group

Julia Mazanova

Deputy General Director for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications of Management Company «Metalloinvest»

Poppel Natalia

Head of CSR and Brand department, Severstal

Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.